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The Pedagogical Council is the body that defines and oversees the School's pedagogical policy. It is chaired by one of the Vice-Presidents of the School. The representatives of the teaching staff and of the students of the undergraduate and postgraduate courses offered by the School, listed below, sit in it on an equal basis.


Margarida Isabel Esteves Silva Pereira

Student Representatives:
Bachelor Degrees
Daniela Filipa da Costa Silva (A100295)
Eduardo Diogo Moreira Nunes (A104915)
Rafael João Moreira Neves (A97252)
Maria Luís Andrade Dias Verga (A104912)

Master/PhD Degrees
Maria Cristina Simões dos Santos (ID9863)
Rita Fernandes da Silva (PG50875)
Undergraduate Courses
Ana Maria Silva Ribeiro
Francesca Clare Rayner
Master Courses
Maria Micaela Dias Pereira Ramon Moreira
PhD Courses
Carlos Pazos Justo
Representatives of other Schools
José João Antunes Guimarães Dias Almeida (EENG)

Pedagogical Management Secretariat

Bachelor Degrees
Fernanda Fernandes de Macedo
Telf: 253 604 170

Helena Maria Peixoto André
Telf: 253 604 170

Nancy Amaral Gonçalves
Telf: 253 604 170

Master Degrees
Márcia Alves Pereira
Telf: 253 604 173

Nancy Amaral Gonçalves
Telf: 253 604 170

PhD Degrees
Emília Maria Moutinho Patrício