The Dean of the School of Arts and Humanities is, since October 31, 2022, Doctor João Rosas, Associate Professor at the Department of Philosophy.
The Dean is responsible for:
Representing the School before the other University bodies and abroad;
Ensuring the smooth functioning of the School in all its activities regarding teaching, research and interaction with society;
Guaranteeing compliance with the decisions taken by the School’s collegial bodies, when such decisions are binding;
Directing the services of the School and approving its necessary regulations;
Exercising the disciplinary power established by the Statutes or delegated by the Rector;
Preparing the budget and activity plan, as well as the activity report and accounts;
Performing the functions delegated by the Rector;
Performing the other functions established by law, the University Statutes and the School Statutes.
The Dean has delegated part of her powers to the Vice-Deans,
Doctor Margarida Pereira,
Doctor Ângelo Martingo, and
Doctor Bruna Peixoto, namely:
Doctor Margarida Pereira, Head of the Pedagogical Council, is responsible to take decisions and develop initiatives In the following domains :
Coordination of the School’s teaching strategies and projects, in accordance with the guidelines of the School Council and the policies defined by the Scientific Council;
Representation of the School in the Monitoring Committee of the Internal Quality Assurance System (SIGAQ-UM).
Representation of ELACH on UMinho's Education Alliance.
Doctor Ângelo Martingo, is responsible to take decisions and develop initiatives In the following domains:
Coordination of the School’s internationalization strategies, in accordance with the guidelines of the School Council and the policies defined by the Scientific Council;
Representation of ELACH In Arqus European University Alliance;
Coordination of the cooperation/interaction projects with the bodies and units of the University of Minho, as well as the cooperation/interaction projects with external entities;
Coordination of the School’s communication and image strategies, in accordance with the guidelines of the School Council;
Supervising the Technical Services, which are responsible for providing monitoring and technical support to the School organs, subunits and services;
Representation of ELACH on UMinho's Cultural Council;
Doctor Bruna Peixoto is responsible for:
Coordinating BabeliUM, by making decisions and practicing acts within the scope of its activities;
Coordinating cooperation/interaction projects with society.