The new procedures regarding recognition of foreign qualifications are defined in Decree-Law No. 66/2018 of 16 August, in force since 01 January 2019.
The implementation of some of the legal provisions of this Decree-Law are already contained in the Ministerial Directive that regulates the aspects of the procedural steps - Ministerial Directive No. 33/2019, of 25 January.
How can I make a request?
1. The request for recognition is submitted RecON platform, using the specific form provided by the Directorate-General for Higher Education (DGES), attaching the requested documents in digital format.
2. The application will be subject to a fee.
3. After payment, the application will be analysed and processed at UMinho, until the final decision is communicated to the Applicant.
For more information please consult the DGES website.